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Vote for Economic Development in Gray Township of North Sherwood

Yay for Gray

Family Shopping
Man Shopping for Groceries
Pasta and Wine
Family Buying Bread

Why Vote YAY?

Woman Shopping for Groceries

About the Issue

  • Act4Sherwood is a campaign focused on opening the door to new opportunities for economic development in North Sherwood.

  • Overturn Outdated Restrictions in the defunct Gray Township, allowing local grocery stores and restaurants to obtain licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages.

  • Drive Economic Growth, attract new businesses, create jobs, and provide more dining and shopping options for our community.

Wine and Cheese

What's on the Ballot?

  • Ballot Question: Should licenses be granted for the manufacture, sale, and distribution of intoxicating liquors in the portion of the defunct Gray Township within the North Sherwood city limits?

  • Voting FOR: This vote will level the playing field for North Sherwood, giving it the same opportunities for growth and development as the rest of the city by allowing grocery stores and restaurants to sell alcoholic beverages, leading to increased economic growth, more jobs, and expanded business opportunities.

At the Supermarket

Why Vote FOR this?

  • Economic Growth: Attract new businesses and encourage the expansion of restaurants and grocery stores in our area.

  • Job Creation: New businesses mean more employment opportunities for our community.

  • Increased Tax Revenue: Additional funds from alcohol sales will help improve city infrastructure and services.

The Issue
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